Thursday, February 28, 2008

See how sweet God world is

Hey,Hey everyone do you see how sweet the snow is and how sweet and how blue the sea is I thank God for it because I love in the winter time to come outside and look up at the monutain and see the snow and in the summer I love to drive up the cost to look at all the water I can not swin but I love to just stop and look how God made the sea and how blue it is, it put just a peace in my heart it mades my day.Have a bless and joyful and sweet days to come.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Friends are something sweet in our life

Here is an good recipe for your friends in our life."Old Testament Cake"
41/2 c. I King 4:22
1c. Judges 5:25
2c. Jeremiah 6:20
2c. I Samuel 30:12
2c. Numbers 17:8
2c. Nahums 3:12
2Tsp. ISamuel 14:25
1tsp. Leviticus 2:12
1c.Jeremiahs 17:11
1/2c. Judges 4:19
Preheat oven 325 mix all ingredient in order together and after that flour into greased and floured loaf pan. "Bake it for life"

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sweet Joy

"This is one of God blessing"

around 3: 00 a.m. this morning God show me do not look at were I am just look at all my blessing he have gvine me.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

" What God is doing with me"

Right now I am living with my exhuband and all our children why i just don't know what God is doing with me in this house but I pray what ever it is God will get the glory and i pray I will grow in the all of this.